Teleporting involves finding train stations, which are free, or pressing T to use the taxis once you unlock them, though taxis cost 1000 ucreds. It may mean you need to play a bit more to hit a checkpoint or teleport back to town. On the same token, when you’ve finished your play session for the day and go to log out, it will tell you the time since your last save, so that you don’t inadvertently logout and lose the last 30 minutes of gameplay. In The Ascent, you cannot manually save the game or press F5 to quick save, so there’s no save scumming possible here. When you die in The Ascent, you will reload to your last save point which is the last time you zoned in or the last checkpoint, whenever that was.
I’m surprised I noticed the skull at all because I died in less than a second and they were clearly miles too high level for me. There was a time where I was just out enjoying exploring the next zone while travelling to a quest, when I came across thugs that had a skull next to their health bar.
I’m thankful I was able to read the level requirement because, despite only being level 3 myself, some of the quests were rated as level 7-13. When I got to Cluster 13, the first major hub of the game, I rounded up all the side quests I could get and then looked to see which was the closest. The mission log shows the recommended level of your main and side quests which I really appreciated.